Case Study

Eureka Furniture


The Problem

Eureka Furniture often sees an uplift in Furniture sales from TV advertising but was reluctant to sign off on a longer-term commitment of investment and would only look at booking TV on a month-by-month basis. This in return led to last-minute TV buying, which isn’t the most cost-efficient way to buy this channel.

We wanted to ensure that our client Eureka Furniture was achieving the most cost-efficient media purchasing, which would mean committing to TV for a more extended time period.

The Approach

We wanted to secure an investment commitment and ensure we were able to maximise their investment in linear tv. We worked with our media team at the regional networks to build a deal that would allow Eureka to appear in key sale periods and receive the best trading efficiencies.

The Result

Eureka was very happy to sign off on a 12-month contract with a regional network and spend commitment for their varying sales periods across the year.

In return, Eureka received the following from the buy:

  • Rate protection (ie. there was a certain discount given to Eureka and they had access to that the whole year despite any changes in the television market).
  • There was premium access given to Eureka to place them into high-rating programs and prime programs like News and A Current Affairs, early morning programs and the ‘tentpole’ type programming on air between 19:30 – 21:00 at night when you can get a large pool of audience at once.
  • There was a sufficient amount of free-of-charge activity given to Eureka Furniture for this 12-month spending commitment. Eureka would always receive extra placed TV spots completely free of charge across the whole year to help boost their messaging and campaigns.
  • Eureka received additional over and above support across the busy Christmas sales period. With Eureka being a retail client, Christmas is crucial and we were able to ease their business concerns knowing they were being heavily supported by the TV network over this time with extra free-of-charge activity and 10-second billboards with the message ‘Seasons Greetings from Eureka Furniture’.

TFM was able to ease Eureka’s concerns across the 12 months, plan out our TV buys in advance, have access to high-rating programs and receive a lot of over-and-above-added value support beyond their investment with the network to set them up for successful sales periods.