Organic VS. Paid Marketing: What Benefits Your Brand More?

Organic and paid marketing stand as the pivotal forces determining the extent to which your brand captures attention. Understanding the nuances between these two approaches is not just beneficial but crucial when formulating a marketing strategy tailored to YOUR business.

Is Threads A Failure?

Do you remember Threads? It’s hard to believe, but the social media platform was actually launched just over two months ago on July 5th. However, for many of us in the TFM.Digital office, the platform feels like a distant memory. This raises the question: is Threads a failure? Is Threads a Failure? Before we can […]

Unleashing the Power of Authenticity: Your Key to Long-Term Brand Success!

Right, let’s talk AUTHENTICITY! In a world saturated with constant content noise, fleeting trends, and rapidly changing algorithms, there’s a timeless ingredient that will always set your brand apart and propel it toward long-term success – AUTHENTICITY.  Why Authenticity, You Ask? 1. Trust is the True Currency: Building a brand is building trust. And trust […]

πŸ”₯ How To Slay at Marketing in a GEN-Z-DOMINATED World! πŸŒπŸ“±

If you spend your working life in the marketing world, or simply have an affinity to the way humanity reads, watches & listens to content… Best buckle up as we dive into the dynamic & future marketing landscape where traditional meets modern – in a world that’s swiftly being claimed by the fierce Gen-Z! πŸš€πŸ’‘ […]

Navigating Meta vs. Programmatic Ads for Maximum Impact

Understanding the key differences between Meta and programmatic ads is fundamental when strategising for digital media. At TFM.Digital, we consistently maintain a platform-agnostic approach, refraining from showing preference towards specific channels or media.

Unlocking Success: Digital Agency vs Media Agency

SEO experts in Brisbane

What Sets Media Agencies Apart in Marketing? Many people confuse the roles and functions of a digital agency and a media buying agency. Although both operate within the marketing and advertising industry, there are clear cut differences between the two. Digital Marketing Agency A Digital agency primarily focuses on the digital realm of marketing and […]