What is digital marketing?
Before explaining the term “digital”, it is always important to explain the fundamental concept behind digital marketing which is “Marketing”. Marketing is all about satisfying customers by offering what customers expect. This simple definition has many meanings but the overall idea of marketing is addressing the preferences of customers and addressing their needs by offering different types of products and services.
Now, let’s discuss the digital aspects of marketing. Digital marketing is the method of satisfying the customers via the appropriate use of digital methods. However, digital marketing is not a separate module or a subject in management, but a version of marketing which is into the use of digital methods and platforms to market products and services.
There are many digital media platforms and electronic methods for marketers to market products and services in the form of “Digital”. In other words, there are many ways of digital marketing that marketers can use to tap different types of customers and customer segments.

The mechanism of digital marketing –
Digital marketing is powered by many power sources. Among that, digital marketing platforms into social media and web based marketing are purely based on the internet. Other than this, video and graphic contents in different digital strategies such as digital sign boards powered by electrical and electronic intervention. Digital marketing is mostly into electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers etc which are powered through the electronic and internet based applications.
Modern marketing and application of digital marketing
Modern marketing is into the concept of “Delighting the Customer” exceeding the satisfaction and digital marketing is the most appropriate version of marketing to ensure this modernized marketing trend. At the same time, modern marketing is “concerning customer as partner” challenging the traditional “Customer is the King” approach and digital marketing is the best way to manage the relationship aspects of marketing.
The systematic approach of digital marketing is always there to ensure marketer – customer link towards sustainability. CRM (customer relationship management) is also possible to its best when it comes to the proper use of digital marketing applications.
The modern trends of AI & Metaverse applying to marketing is easy with the proper use of digital marketing as the digitalization of marketing has a practicality of managing such platforms.
Digital marketing best practices and platforms for effective customer management
There are many digital marketing best practices and platforms and among those; social media and web marketing have been identified as digital marketing best practices. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc are having a high end capacity to manage and influence vast customer bases. The digital marketing tactics such as affiliated marketing, influencer marketing and ect are also powered by social media most of the time. Other than that, web marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are also in a commendable position when it comes to digital marketing best practices. Both social media and web marketing are powered by the internet technology hence the internet can be recognized as the powerhouse of digital marketing.
Other than these digital marketing best practices, email marketing, mobile marketing and digital visualization techniques such as digital sign boards can be recognised as other than main practices of digital marketing.
Why digital marketing is important for the business in Australia
Australian society is vibrant due to modern world practices and technology adoption. Australian society is into multi – cultural aspects as there are locals and indigenous Australians and a lot of immigrants. Out of the immigrant population, the student population can be concerned as vital and significant. To address requirements of the daily life styles of different people in the Australian context; digital marketing is playing a major role.
In Australia, digital marketing is being used for many commercial areas such as retail, education, real estate, banking, transportation and government based service management. Not only for these types of established seasoned ventures and organizations, but digital marketing is well – required for the start – up businesses since the best way to promote new businesses is digital marketing.
In order to manage marketing and branding aspects of businesses, promoting and growth aspects of a venture and also to build social connections, digital marketing is important in the Australian context.
Other than the above specific importance of digital marketing in the Australian context, the below mentioned importance can be seen as vital of having a good level of a digital marketing strategy.
- Understating the current marketing trends related to products and services and customer taste.
- Focusing to increase the market share and its potential opportunities engaged in product development and diversification.
- Realising the current marketing competition into both traditional and digital marketing aspects.
- Focusing on value addition in terms of digitization and digital customer management
- Maintaining competitiveness in the market.
What is meant by a digital marketing strategy

To extract the best sense of digital marketing and apply for generating value, there should be a defined way or a means to do so. This is the simple meaning of a digital marketing strategy.
A digital marketing strategy is a well-designed and a dedicated method focusing to achieve a set of business objectives. At the same time, a digital marketing strategy is a planned set of activities leading to achieve organizational goals.
There are many sub strategies that you can see in a digital marketing strategy such as digital advertising strategy, online brand strategy and digital CRM strategy etc.
When it comes to digital advertising strategy, it is aimed at advertising on different platforms in the internet such as Facebook and Instagram advertising, web and SEO based advertising, etc. This kind of an approach is to address the online brand strategy of a business to brand the product in a vast customer area. Digital CRM (Customer relationship management) strategy is there to address how a business can satisfy customers through the use of digital technology.
Under digital marketing strategy, there are many components such as digital information flow on products and services, managing e – commerce based operations, and managing customer requirements both within the sales and after the sales stages and etc are there to satisfy customers.
Under a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, there are many advantages that can be obtained and experienced by an organization such as ease of managing the customers, effective communication flow, managing customer requirements in a smooth manner and satisfying customers focusing on repeating and loyal purchases.
E – CRM or in other words, electronic customer relationship management is there with the focus on managing A to Z customer requirements from point of visit, point of sales to after sales services.
With these explanations and information, you can understand the importance of having a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to your business focusing on effective customer attraction and management.
Main strategies of digital marketing
There are many digital marketing strategies that can be seen which are applicable for different digital marketing platforms.
Among those, below mentioned the most popular and appropriate digital marketing strategies can be used in digital marketing platforms such as social media, websites, CRM and etc.
Content marketing
Content marketing in a digital marketing strategy can be recognised as very important. Content marketing is the backbone for any marketing campaign into online and digital versions.
The content marketing includes very important areas such as;
- Managing the relevance of contents related to the products and services
The relevance is important as the customers and information seekers are always focusing on the relevance of the details. When there are a lot of details with a mid or low range relevance, the digital marketing strategy will be a failure.
- Managing key words within the contents for optimization
The keywords management in digital marketing is one of the main strategies which is there to make things easy on optimizing the contents and relevant areas of the contents in different digital marketing platforms.
- Integrating relevant contents with different digital media platforms such as social media, websites and blog sites and etc.
The most important aspect of the content marketing in online marketing can be recognised as “multi – digital marketing platform content integration” where the contents in digital marketing platforms of an organization can be engaged and interlinked with different digital marketing platforms of an organization.
As an example, If there is an advertisement with content in Facebook, the same content to be mentioned in Instagram, twitter, websites and in blogs for ensuring multi – digital marketing platform integration” to expect more customer engagements.
SEO – Search engine optimization
SEO is the methodology in online marketing that enables websites to emerge in the top positions of the search engines under key word related optimization. SEO is into on – page version and off – page version on managing the key words. The keywords can be used in on – page versions adding into the web contents in the on – page web space. The off – page optimization will be a key factor when uplifting search results of particular websites where the content integration can be as important as a digital marketing strategy to perform effective off – page optimization.
The SEO digital marketing strategy can be performed in four ways as SEO strategy, technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO. SEO marketing is most powerful and high engage marketing strategy for most of business in Australia. As a leading SEO agency in Brisbane, TFM Digital provide comprehensive SEO services for our clients and enhance their web presence on Google SERP results.
Social media marketing

This is the most popular strategy in digital marketing which is there to spread and to promote products and services through the effective use of social media platforms. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter are the main social media platforms that can be recognised as most popular when it comes to social media marketing.
Facebook is more into contents and balancing the contents with pictures while Instagram is more into pictures with less contents. YouTube is obviously into video advertising while the impact of other social media platforms such as twitter and LinkedIn can be concerned as somewhat professional out of other social media platforms.
There are two types of digital marketing practices for social media marketing as organic and paid versions. The organic social media advertising is into promoting products and services without investing money while the paid adverts are obviously into investing money.
Google Adwords
This method is a paid version of Google where the paid promotions in the web results will give a paid based influence in the search results of a particular web search. Google adwords help to build a short term effect on promoting products and services while the SEO focuses to be uplifted with relevant key words and key phrase management with a short term result generation.
Compared to other digital marketing strategies, Google ads are expensive. But the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns are at a high end level as Google Ads engage to the search engine related web searches.
Influencer marketing
There are influencers in different digital marketing platforms who are social figures such as actors and actresses, singers and dancers and dedicated social media influencers. Through these types of individuals, the promotions and branding of commodities via the internet and digital platforms is easy and reliable as there are different fan bases for these influencers. Influencer marketing is important to focus on tapping and reaching different types of customers into different types of segments where different fan bases of these influencers will be the key point to focus the digital marketing practices.
There are both positives and negatives when it comes to influencer marketing. If the influencer is a genuine and acceptable character in the society and the influencer is promoting a product or a service which is trustworthy, the influencer effect in digital marketing is high. But, if the influencer is having a negative image in the society and then the outcome is negative. However, the negativity is also having a positivity which is called “negative marketing” but this is rarely applicable as a digital strategy.
However, influencer marketing is to be performed in a careful manner as there are both positives and negatives when it comes to its presence in the digital marketing practices in the modern world.
Email marketing
E – Mail marketing can be concerned as one of the oldest internet based digital marketing strategies which is all about managing and marketing products and services to customer bases in different settings. E – Mail marketing has a kind of an effectiveness where the reading percentage of e – mails into digital promotions can be recognised as low. However, things such as hotel offers, education and occupational based opportunities, food and beverages etc can be recognised as very popular categories in e – mail marketing.
E- Mail marketing is there as a low cost digital marketing strategy with a sound potential to reach a large customer base in a quick time. However, the contents and design of the e – mail need to be attractive and meaningful in order to manage the effectiveness of the promotions via e – mails.
Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is also a kind if a traditional digital marketing method that is there with sharing details through SMS and rarely into phone calls. However, the modern trend of mobile marketing can be recognised as WhatsApp based digital marketing which is a social media too. The effectiveness of mobile marketing can be identified as sound where people are always into mobile phones and it is an essential device of the modern day society.
SMS campaigns in the areas of fashion, travel and ride hailing services and specially food and beverages are important to focus as areas popular for mobile marketing. Specially offers and introducing new things to the market are into the best advantage out of the application of mobile marketing as a digital marketing strategy.
Blog articles
Managing blog articles as a digital marketing strategy and a promotional strategy can be recognised as important. Blogs are digital spaces in the internet which are into different write ups with different understanding representing different fields. Blog articles are very popular in web surfers who are searching different products such as home appliances, fashion, electronic and electrical devices and even for different services such as car detailing etc.
Blog articles to be very specific and short in word count as the readers always need to have a good understanding on the particular subject area with a limited amount of time spent on the reading.
Reading is not today’s preference but blog articles are informative for information seekers to gain different types of knowledge and information on different areas of interest.
Blogs are very important as a digital marketing strategy focusing on multi – digital marketing platform integration. Blog Sites are there to link and integrate websites, social media and other digital platforms together. This is a good tactic to manage customer interest and also to manage the SEO aspects of the digital marketing strategy.
How to set-up the goals and achieve these goals
The simplest way of setting up goals and to decide the way to achieve the goals are called “GAP ANALYSIS” method. It is all about identifying the gap between expected results (KPI – key performance indicators) and the current situation. The gap between these two states can be bridged by applying different digital marketing strategies. The goals and objectives are to be decided under the identified gap between expected results and the actual results.
Other than this method into Stratgeic management, there is a dedicated method in digital marketing called “the 5Ss’ ‘ method which is directly into the focus of setting the rightful digital marketing goals with practicality and reliability of achieving those.
The 5Ss method is mentioned below with explanations on how to set up goals in terms of digital marketing aspects. The 5Ss stand for sell, serve, speak, save and sizzle.
Sales stands for revenue generation and sales need to be used in a sensible way to generate money. In traditional point of views, sales is into physical methods but the newest sales tactics and strategies are there with online tactics. The use of different digital platforms such as social media, Web and SEO etc can be recognised as important when designing and setting up goals to achieve relevant goals.
Serve is all about letting the customers have wonderful sales and even after sales service. This can be performed in a way to feel the customers feel that they are well cared by the vendors. Using digital channels into action and to manage the customer attraction can be recognised as important under the proper utilization of different and appropriate digital channels. This is a good way to set up goals focusing on the digital strategy management of an organization.
Save is all into the high end management and utilization of money, time and effort as more the savings are into the focus of more sustainable practices. The goals for any organization can be recognised as important to have digital related saving of time and other factors focusing to develop a sustainable digital marketing strategy.
Speak in here means the language of words, signs, write ups and many more aspects of communication. Digital marketing is a very important and a suitable method to be used to manage the communication between the buyer and the seller.
Sizzle is all about the creativity of the digital campaigns where this basement can be used as a fundamental method of generating digital strategy via developing goals.
With this information, it is realized that there needs to be a set of goals representing digitalization aiming to formulate digital marketing strategy and 5Ss is a suitable method for developing goals to focus on the overall digital marketing strategy.
Increase brand identity and loyalty through digital marketing
Brand identity and brand loyalty are two major concepts in the branding strategy. The level and degree of identify of a particular brand is defined as “brand identity”. The manner of sticking into a single brand for a long period of time is called as “brand loyalty”.
A digital marketing strategy of an organization is always facilitating customer satisfaction and having a dedicated digital branding strategy is there to address the branding needs of an organization.
So, the core aims of a digital branding strategy is to generate brand identity and brand loyalty where the digital marketing strategy is there to execute such branding focuses.
Digital marketing platforms such as social media, websites etc can be used in an effective manner to manage the digital marketing focuses. At the same time, the branding to be focused parallel to obtain the most possible competitive advantage out of the competition. Developing and maintaining a proper digital branding strategy is appropriate on this kind of an offer.
How franchise marketing is important as a digital marketing strategy
The franchise marketing is a dedicated method where it is into the model of promoting different products and services through different parties. The franchise marketing can be used as a digital marketing strategy in order to spread the promotional and branding aspects within a possible customer segment.
Franchise marketing is effective and productive as it is into different types of persons and their passion is to spread things all around the business environment. These characteristics can be considered as important when developing a digital marketing strategy in a meaningful manner.
The franchisees can use different ways to promote the franchiser business and the digital marketing strategy of the organisation (franchiser) needs to be well directed the franchisees by the franchiser organisation.
Explain digital PR and media buying strategies
Digital PR is all about building a rapport and a positive relationship between the organization and the customers via the intervention of digital marketing. This is not just a marketer and customer relationship, but this is into developing relationships with stakeholders.
Digital PR is effective rather than traditional media as digital media is into the proper use of digital platforms to manage the relationships in an effective manner. In order to manage positive and vibrant digital PR practices; media buying strategies are important to manage which are mentioned below with some key explanations.
The first step of the media buying strategy is all about identifying the target market of the related product or the service. And then the second step is going to be “understanding and developing goals and objectives” relevant to the identified market type. And the third step of the media buying strategy is to understand the KPI of it and that is to realize where should be the process to go in the future state and to set a target on this regard.
The next step is all about achieving the KPIs or the targets by executing the strategies under digital marketing and digital PR. This is all about managing the expected results through a good PR skill and managing the entire stakeholders of the organization towards fulfilling the last step of media buying strategy. The last step; “partnering with a knowledge media partner” is reflecting digital PR again that is there for ensuring overall stakeholder management through effective digital marketing strategy.
Look no further and connect with TFM digital marketing agency for your next marketing campaign. We will be able to deliver comprehensive marketing strategy for your business no matter about size of your business.